
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra VS Google Pixel 8 Pro Comparison

In this comparison, we list for you the most important details and differences between the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and the Google Pixel 8 Pro in the hope that we will be able to help you make the appropriate choice before the next upgrade.

Comparison between Galaxy S23 Ultra and Pixel 8 Pro

It's been a busy year for Android, hasn't it? We've seen many impressive new phones pass through our hands in recent months.

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But the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra will still be at the forefront of the best flagship phones of 2023, even more than 9 months after its launch.

But only now, we have a fierce competitor, the Google Pixel 8 Pro, that delivers on all the promises Android users have been waiting for. If you are about to buy a new flagship Android phone, you should not look in a haystack. Just put both phones at the top of your list, and be sure that you will not regret choosing any of them in the future.

The new design of the Google Pixel 8 Pro raises eyebrows, and the new color options were a pleasant surprise. The technical specifications are among the best you can get on any Android phone.

The camera setup supported by AI algorithms and the new generation of Google Tensor processor ensures the best user experience with all your daily work requirements. Add to that seven years of official support is a very long time if you don't prefer to replace the phone soon.

But that doesn't mean we should leave the Galaxy S23 Ultra on a shelf to collect dust. It is one of the best Android phones ever. We still have a convincing case that it is the best upgrade even after many months of its launch.

Some of you may be thinking of waiting for the Galaxy S24 Ultra, which makes sense. But we expect a noticeable price increase with the next generation of Galaxy S phones. Now, it is possible to find the Galaxy S23 Ultra at a discount thanks to speculation and competition between retail stores.

Hence, it is easy for many people to feel attracted towards the Galaxy S23 Ultra. But now, comes the Google phone. Therefore, to make the selection process easier for you, we decided to highlight the most important reasons that might make one better than the other.

It is better to buy Google Pixel 8 Pro in the following cases

Google's new flagship has some advantages that make it one of the best Android phones ever, if we don't consider it the undisputed best already. But this time, Google put in more effort, and clearly invested generously, in the phone to produce this result.

However, there are certain reasons why it is better than any other Android phone on the market, even if we mean the Galaxy S23 Ultra in this competition. Therefore, you can choose the Google Pixel 8 Pro in each of the following cases:

First: Benefit from advanced artificial intelligence capabilities

Google has previously stated more than once that it does not care so much about performance as it cares about what can be achieved intelligently on its phones. Although the performance difference between the new Tensor G3 processor and the Tensor G2 processor inside the Pixel 7 Pro is very small, the new processor comes with a large number of advanced features based on artificial intelligence technologies, which it really excels at implementing.

The user does not have to be proficient in dealing with artificial intelligence technologies and software only in order to benefit from the Tensor G3 processor.

You can feel the power of AI all over the Pixel 8 Pro – from the camera performance and fast capture processing to the professional photo and video editing tools to the new version of the digital assistant.

Now, Google's digital assistant can enhance your phone experience like never before, as its primary role is no longer limited to controlling your smart home or accessing calendars and searching for information on the Internet.

Now, it can summarize long text paragraphs within articles and reports, transcribe and translate them into multiple languages, and provide numerous recommendations for what to read. It's a simple set of tasks packed into a digital assistant, which may not make you need to use any external AI bot.

You can also use the services of the new digital assistant to detect and filter spam messages or even remove background noise while recording using microphones.

The AI ​​services extend to the camera setup as well, and one of the most impressive features is the “Best Take” feature which gives you the ability to remove faces from people in group photo shots and replace them with ones you already have in any other photo. Then comes the Magic Editor tool, which gives you the ability to move objects within the image and modify their lighting rates.

secondly: You want the cheapest one even though it will last longer

Did you believe that any Android company would succeed in catching up with Apple in terms of the official support period allowed for the company's devices? Before the Pixel 8 Pro. The only company that could catch up to Apple was Samsung thanks to its long software support period, which extends up to five years of software updates and security patches.

But in a risky move by Google, it decided to provide official support for its new flagship phone for a full 7 years, making it the best company ever in terms of software support.

We're talking about a phone that's eligible for future Android systems until 2030. It's an irresistibly epic support period, which will be a major attraction and major selling point for the phone.

There will definitely come a day when you'll have to think about upgrading to a new phone before the full seven years have passed. But the amazing long period of official support for the phone will make it able to maintain its value incredibly well in the used market, giving you the ability to achieve a profitable sale during the coming years and when it is time to upgrade to a new phone.

If you are one of those people who do not want to update the phone before it ends its full lifespan, the Pixel 8 Pro will always be available to serve you.

The only negative point about the phone is that it has little RAM, as the phone cannot continue with 8GB memory in the near future. But since it is a Google phone, the company has individual skill in improving its future systems to work more than well on its old phones even if they do not have sufficient resources.

But when it comes to keeping up with future gaming and multitasking demands, this memory will be a major headache for power users and gamers. Then you will feel that the seven-year support period is completely useless.

But again, this reason does not overshadow the perks you will get with future Android updates that will be exclusive just for you.

Third: If you are familiar with Google software

In terms of features, it is difficult to find a competitor as powerful as the Galaxy S23 Ultra, and this is inevitable. But for most people, the sheer amount of useless tools and apps on Galaxy phones aren't that important.

On a Google phone, you get a raw Android experience, with minimal bloatware that's often useful for your everyday tasks.

On a Galaxy phone you will get tons of them which you cannot remove easily. They are just a burden on the phone's memory and empty filler, especially since most of them are just replacements for basic Google applications and services.

Therefore, if you are moving from iOS to Android or if your previous phone was a Google Pixel phone, it is difficult to face any difficulty adapting to the Pixel 8 Pro.

As for the Samsung phone, at first you may feel some confusion, even though the One UI interface is among the best customizable user interfaces ever. But in the end, the raw Android experience on the Pixel 8 Pro is unbeatable.

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It is better to buy Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra in the following cases

Despite everything that has been said about the Pixel 8 Pro phone and the new privileges it has obtained regarding hardware in general and software and software in particular, the Galaxy S23 Ultra is able to win the battle and resolve this competition very easily for several completely convincing reasons, including the following:

First: Get access to many of the most impressive features

If there is one Android phone among hundreds of flagship phones that deserves all the praise, it will definitely be the Galaxy S23 Ultra. Samsung knows very well how to make a phone capable of attracting attention, even if it is significantly more expensive than its competitors, but this will not be without cost.

With the Galaxy S23 Ultra, you get what you pay for. It's the first Samsung phone with a 200-megapixel camera sensor that supports many professional photography modes even if the sensor size is smaller than some of its competitors.

This sensor is capable of improving the field of view and bringing out details in all shooting scenarios, including night shooting modes.

Then the telescope lens comes with amazing capabilities capable of 10x optical zoom and 100x digital zoom, which makes you able to take a clear picture of the moon in the night sky - even if this shot is supported by artificial intelligence capabilities, but it is great to have.

The optical zoom on a phone is still the best ever, which enhances your ability to zoom in and out of distant objects while shooting. In short, it is the best phone for photography enthusiasts and those experienced in video recording, street and landscape photography.

The camera isn't everything either, you'll get 12GB of RAM and 1TB of storage on the larger model. It's a storage capacity that makes more sense in order to handle future Android releases and keep up with the demands of modern, resource-hungry apps.

The Pixel 8 Pro has excellent battery life, as does the Galaxy S23 Ultra. But the latter is able to charge faster thanks to the 45W rate. While the Pixel 8 Pro excels at wireless charging.

But let's not forget Samsung DeX mode and the digital S-Pen capabilities that enhance your phone experience. These are indeed reasons to be more excited about owning a Samsung phone, even if it is more expensive.

secondly: You want to use a digital pen all the time

The Galaxy S23 Ultra is truly a unique phone, and the only one that guarantees a foldable-like experience with the digital S-Pen.

This pen gives you the ability to take notes, multitask, and even design graphics with great pleasure and better than any mid-range tablet. If this feature is your top priority, you won't find a better one to do the job than the S23 Ultra. In fact, you can even use the pen wirelessly to perform many tasks remotely. It is a great feature that is not found in any other phone.

For example, you can use the shutter pen to take group photos wirelessly. Alternatively, you can use it to wirelessly scroll between photos and videos within the Studio app.

You definitely can't find S-Pen features on the Pixel 8 Pro. Therefore, the Galaxy S23 Ultra is an essential choice for business people, artists and creative people.

Third: Enjoy an unparalleled entertainment experience

Without a doubt, the Pixel 8 Pro will not let you down to enjoy a user experience that takes you to the extremes of luxury. But the Galaxy S23 Ultra has brilliantly proven itself as one of the best smartphones for entertainment uses.

There are many things we love about the Pixel 8 Pro display like higher brightness and dynamic refresh rates, but at the same time, the Galaxy S23 Ultra display can give you a flawless viewing experience.

A screen with superior brightness rates, smooth scrolling while browsing and gaming, and ultra-clear resolution. The other most important thing is Qualcomm's flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 For Galaxy processor, which is light years ahead of the Tensor G3 processor.

The Tensor G3 processor focuses on AI tools and functions that can be clearly felt in the camera software, photo editing, and some other sub-functions of Google's digital assistant.

But on the S23 Ultra you'll get a more stable performance experience and the ability to achieve higher FPS with your favorite games. In short, it is the best option for the future. Even if you are not a gamer, it is the perfect choice for multitasking.

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While there are many alternatives in this price range, there is no way to find a suitable alternative that can outperform the S23 Ultra or Pixel 8 Pro. They are the only phones in the Android market that guarantee a long period of use.

The Pixel 8 Pro may be the best currently in software support and also the fastest. But 7 years is a bit of an exaggerated support period. There is certainly no objection to it, as it is expected to play a major role in improving the phone market while selling it used and when upgrading to a new phone.

But the number of perks and possibilities that Samsung offers are irresistible. From the most advanced camera setup to the professional optical zoom capabilities to the more powerful processor and the largest RAM, all are requirements that determine its superiority, especially in the near future.

Ibrahim Turki

I have been working in the electronic press for years and have a passion for reading and writing about various technical news. You'll find me writing about computers, smartphones, operating systems, applications, and even networks and the Internet. I always strive to provide elegant and simple visual content that suits technology followers in our Arab world.
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